List of Works
Papers (161)
regular paper, short note, letter
Ferroelectric properties of triglycine sulfate crystals doped with glycine analogs
Yukana Terasawa, Masaaki Ichiki, Toshio Kikuta, Toru Asahi
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 62, SG1050(2023).
(日本語) アラニンドープ硫酸トリグリシン結晶のキラル構造に関する一考察
寺澤 有果菜, 喜久田 寿郎, 一木 正聡, 田中 真人, 朝日 透
電気学会論文誌E, 142(8), 205-213(2022).
Preferences of polarity and chirality in triglycine sulfate crystals by alanine ghost
(日本語) Yukana Terasawa, Toshio Kikuta, Masaaki Ichiki, Sota Sato, Kazuhiko Ishikawa, Toru Asahi
(日本語) J. Phys. Chem. Solids, (日本語) 151, (日本語) 109890(2021).
TGS crystal as a maximum temperature thermometer
Bogusław Fugiel & Toshio Kikuta
Philosophical Magazine, 101(4), 491-500(2021).
A transverse electric current in triglycine sulphate ferroelectric crystal
Bogusław Fugiel & Toshio Kikuta
Philos. Mag., 96(13), 1332-1343(2016).
Proceedings (23)
proceedings and abstracts
Spontaneous Polarization and Transverse Current in TGS
Toshio Kikuta, Bogusław Fugiel
UFFC-JS 2024, ISAF: Fundamentals of Ferroelectrics, B3bP-18(2024).
Structure and H2 Sensing Property of TiO2 Sputtered Films Deposited under Various Pressures
Y. Nagata, T. Yamazaki, T. Kikuta
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, 211-214(2009).
Structure and NO2 Sensing Property of NiO Sputtered Films Deposited under Various Pressures
M. Yonezawa, T. Yamazaki, T. Kikuta
Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Sputtering and Plasma Processes, 215-218(2009).
Synthesis Characterization and Gas Sensing Properties of TiO2 Nanostrucutes
Ahsanulhaq Qurashi, Toshinari Yamazaki, Toshio Kikuta
Chemical Sensors, 25, 94-96(2009).
Chemical Sensors, 25, 100-102(2009).
Commentary and Annual report (5)
review, commentary and annual report
Structure and Dielectric Properties of Crystals with Second-Order Ferroelectric Phase Transitions
寺澤有果菜, 喜久田寿郎
熱測定, 51(4), 166-171(2024).
山崎登志成, 吉澤寿夫
真空, 49(9), 547-551(2006).
Toyama University Bulletin of Information Technology Center, 1, 27-28(2004).
Toyama University Bulletin of Computing and Network Services, 5(1), 38-39(2001).
北海道大学工学部高エネルギー超強力X線回折室年報, 11, 1-3(1994).
Presentation (99)
Spontaneous Polarization and Transverse Current in TGS
Toshio Kikuta, Bogusław Fugiel
UFFC-JS 2024, ISAF: Fundamentals of Ferroelectrics, B3bP-18(2024).
Preliminary Experiments for Photovoltaic Effect in TGS
Kango Miyazaki, Toshio Kikuta
JKC-FE14, P2-27(2024).
Charging and Discharging Currents along Non-ferroelectric Crystallographic Axis in TGS
Toshio Kikuta
14th Japan-Korea Conference on Ferroelectricity, P1-15(2024).
Current along the direction perpendicular to the ferroelectric axis of triglycine sulfate 3
日本物理学会第79回年次大会, 領域10, 18pWB105-7(2024).
(日本語) 様々なグリシン類縁体ドープによる強誘電体硫酸トリグリシン結晶における電気分極とキラリティの偏りのメカニズムの提案
寺澤有果菜, 一木正聡, 喜久田寿郎, 田中真人, 朝日透
日本化学会第103春季年会, K203-2am-03(2023).
Thin Film Fabrication Application Handbook, 2020 edition
(日本語) 權田俊一, 酒井忠司, 田畑仁, 八瀬清志, …, 喜久田寿郎, …全131名
(日本語) 2020版 薄膜作製応用ハンドブック 第1編第3章第3節「強誘電体」, エヌ・ティー・エス(2021).
(日本語) 楽しく悩ましい科学論文英語
Formation of oxide nanowires by thermal evaporation and their application to gas sensors
Toshinari Yamazaki
Nanowires: Implementations and Applications, Ch.6, 117-140(2011).